Sdr Manufacturer Driver

Software Defined Radio - live examples. HackRF by (Great Scott Gadgets); RTL-SDR (Wikipedia); Portapack; Scenarios. This is a set of example scenarios you can use either as a stand-alone programme or with GNURadio and either a HackRF One or an RTL-SDR. $ SoapySDRUtil -find ##### ## Soapy SDR - the SDR abstraction library ## ##### Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner Found device 0 available = Yes driver = rtlsdr label = Generic RTL2832U OEM:: 00000001 manufacturer = Realtek product = RTL2838UHIDIR rtl = 0 serial = 00000001 tuner = Rafael Micro R820T Found device 1 addr = driver = lime.

Introduction -- What's It All About?

The HPSDR is an open source (GNU type) hardware and software project intended as a 'next generation' Software Defined Radio (SDR) for use by Radio Amateurs ('hams') and Short Wave Listeners (SWLs). It is being designed and developed by a group of SDR enthusiasts with representation from interested experimenters worldwide.

The rationale behind the project is to break the overall design up into a number of modules. Each module is designed by an individual or group and connects to other modules using a pre-defined and common bus -- rather like plugging boards into a PC motherboard.

This modular approach enables prospective users to incorporate just the modules that interest them as well as designing their own variants if desired. The approach also enables new ideas and circuits to be tested by replacing an existing module. Since the majority of modules will be retained, such experimentation can be done with minimum disruption to an existing working system.

The modules vary in complexity from simple bandpass filters and input/output interfaces, to full blown DSP functions. Such variety enables experimenters with varying degrees of experience to contribute.

Thus far, the modules have each been named for easier identification when talking or writing about them. On this website, each module has its own web page, as noted by the tab selections near the top of the page. Some of the modules are being designed so that they can be either used in conjunction with others or stand-alone. Each module board size (except the backplane) will be 100 mm. by 120 to 220 mm. and use either a 96 pin or 64 pin DIN41612 type connector.

Hardware Block Diagram

The following block diagram is a listing of the main parts of a HPSDR system. Note that the diagram is clickable and will take to webpages on the listed components. Also note that there is a bold black line coming in which is the common +13.8v DC power and the blue line indicates the connection to the computer.

Sdr Manufacturer Driver Shafts

Software Block Diagram

The second block diagram lists the software currently available as open source to operate the HPSDR hardware. The blue line indicates the connection to the hardware.

There are other programs that can work with HPSDR hardware. Some these include WinRad, WinRadHD, CWSkimmer to name a few.

Hermes block diagram

The following is a block diagram for the Hermes project. The Hermes project uses technology developed in the HPSDR boards but combines them in to two board that fit in a Euro style box. This radio might be for those that wish to go mobile with their SDR or do not wish to use the modular approach used in the development of the other boards. There has been some confusion in the that hardware is compatible and the same software works with these boards but the Hermes/Apollo boards are not design to use other HPSDR boards as they are developed in the future.

Some Glossary Definitions

Since this website and project is attracting interested persons who are not Radio Amateurs and hams who may not be familiar with some of the technical jargon, here are a few words about what some of the mysterious acronyms, etc. may stand for.

Radio Amateurs ('hams') -- persons around the world interested in radio communications and do so without monetary compensation (hence as in sports, the term 'amateur' as opposed to 'professional' in the sense of not receiving money for what they do). For more information on this hobby/service, start with In many cases on this website, we'll use the assigned 'call letters' of the ham -- in most cases,more information can be found about this person by going to a search website such as

SDR - Software Defined Radio -- These are radios where most of the radio is defined in software code either in FPGA, or in a supporting computer.

DSP - Digital Signal Processing -- The processing of a digitized signal with computer algorithms

SdrSdr Manufacturer Driver

FPGA - Field Programmable Gate Array -- These are large sets of gates in reconfigurable array. the chipc can be reprogramed by code.

Open source design

Brief definition of Open Source

In a 'nutshell', open source is a term that is applied to a philosophy, in that the production and organization of a project or system is created through open and cooperative efforts.

Open source software refers to computer software available with its source code and under an 'open source license' to study, change and improve its design and functionality.

There are many 'Open source software' licenses, the most prominent being the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL or simply GPL), originally written by Richard Stallman. The GPL grants the recipients of a computer program the following rights, or freedoms.

Sdr manufacturer driver shafts

* The freedom to run the program, for any purpose.
* The freedom to study how the program works, and modify it.
* The freedom to redistribute copies.
* The freedom to improve the program, and release the improvements to the public.

The users are treated like co-developers, are encouraged to submit additions to the software, code fixes, bug reports, documentation etc. Having more co-developers increases the rate at which the software evolves. Furthermore, each end user's machine provides an additional testing environment. This new testing environment offers the ability to find and fix a new bug quickly.

[Note: this definition does not go into the various obligations and legalities and is intended to be brief andnon-exhaustive. The original was supplied by Kevin, M0KHZ with a few words 'Americanized' by the webmaster.]

Open Hardware License - Non-Commercial License

This GPL philosophy extends to the hardware for this HPSDR cooperative project. However it was felt by many that the software GPL and similar licenses would not adequately cover the hardware portion of this project, so an Open Hardware License (OHL) was devised. Also, another license referred to as the NCL - Non-Commercial License, was implemented to take care of situation where the project developers wish to reserve commercial licensing rights. The complete text of the two versions of the OHL/NCL licenses along with some explanation may be found on the TAPR website at

Future Modules

In order to provide a complete SDR, other modules will require developing.

There is still much to be done in bringing HPSDR to fruition. For those experimentally minded Amateurs this may turn out to be the golden age of (software defined) radio!


Please look at ht HPSDR history page to learn more on how we got to where we are today.

Further Information

There are several sources of further information about this project and the various modules. On the 'cutting edge'of information we have a discussion list. There's more information about the list/reflector if you click the menu bar in the upper left area of this web page where it says 'Discussion List'. Message traffic on the list varies from 0 to 20 or more in a day.

For those who just wish to be informed about important announcements or events in the HPSDR project, we have an 'announce only' list with very low traffic. More information about this announcement list may be found at the same 'Discussion List' menu bar.

How does one become a participant? Jump right in! Subscribe to the discussion list. Make suggestions, ask questions, offer ideas for new modules, volunteer to help with design, research alternatives, PCB layout, documentation, firmware and software ...

The tabs at the top edge of this web page will lead you to individual module web pages. We also now have a 'wiki' atCommunity_Portal to which the project leaders have direct edit accessand is more current than the module web pages on this website. You'll most likely find the latest informationon the design and progress in the wiki.

Contacting Us

The best method of contacting any of the developers is to join the discussion list (you must subscribe in order to post a message) and 'talk' to them directly there.

For web page inquiries, reporting broken links or incorrect information, wiki, discussion list subscriptions, etc., pleaseemail the discussion list administrator and web/wiki-master directly at 'KV0S' at 'openhpsdr' dot 'org'.

RTL-SDR Support Package Hardware Setup

To implement features in the Communications Toolbox™ Support Package for RTL-SDR Radio, you must establish communication between the host and the radio hardware.

If you are connecting two radios to the same host, see Configure Multiple RTL-SDR Radios after installing the support package but before installing the USB driver.

Sdr Manufacturer Driver Software

Install USB Driver (Windows)

USB Driver Installation Preparation

The support package installer guides you through installing the drivers required for using the RTL-SDR device as a software-defined radio (SDR) receiver. Before you begin, remove all nonessential USB devices from your computer so that you do not accidentally replace the driver for a different device.

These instructions are for installing the USB driver for one RTL-SDR device. To install more than one RTL-SDR device for use with this support package, see Configure Multiple RTL-SDR Radios.

Insert RTL-SDR Radio into USB Port

  1. Insert the RTL-SDR radio into an available USB port on your computer. If your operating system (OS) automatically installs a driver for the device as a DVB-T receiver, wait until the OS finishes the installation before continuing.


    Some USB 3 ports do not recognize the RTL-SDR radio correctly and can result in a connection error. Your hardware configuration might require you to plug the RTL-SDR device into a USB 2 port.

  2. Click . The installer opens the Zadig software in a separate window.

Install USB Driver with Zadig Software

Sdr Manufacturer Driver

If the Zadig software displays a User Control Account prompt, then the software requires administrative privileges to install the USB driver. Click Yes to continue.

Follow the directions in the Support Package Installer window to install Zadig device drivers.


If the wrong device is selected when you install the driver, the selected device becomes unusable. For example, if the selected device is the keyboard, the keyboard will not be usable after the driver update.

Test Radio Connection (Windows)

On this page you can Confirm communication with your RTL-SDR radio and get information about the connected radio.

If test connection fails and the page does not update to show radio information:

  • Try putting the RTL-SDR radio in a different USB port.

  • Make sure the radio works by trying it in a different computer.

  • Check the Common Problems and Fixes, and topics that resolve your problem.

If you still cannot discern the problem, contact Tech Support at

Install USB Driver (Linux)

The support package installer guides you through installing the drivers required for using the RTL-SDR device as a software-defined radio (SDR) receiver. The installer uses the files you downloaded during setup to install the RTL-SDR library.

RTL-SDR Install Driver

If you see this page, the installer uses the files you downloaded during setup to install the RTL-SDR library. The installation process requires permission to copy files to system directories. You might be prompted for your sudo password before the installation can continue.

If you are prompted, enter your sudo password in the MATLAB® Command Window, and then return to the installer. If you do not have a sudo password, click and contact your network administrator to install this software.

Insert RTL-SDR Radio into USB Port

  1. Insert the RTL-SDR radio into an available USB port on your computer.

  2. Click .

Test Radio Connection (Linux)

On this page, you can confirm communication with your RTL-SDR radio and get information about the connected radio.

If test connection fails and the page does not update to show radio information:

  • Try putting the RTL-SDR radio in a different USB port.

  • Make sure the radio works by trying it in a different computer.

  • If you do not see any radios listed after the installation is completed, the digital TV (DVB) driver may be superseding the RTL-SDR driver. If the device is in use by the DVB driver, the installer cannot access it. You might need to unload or blacklist the kernel module. See Kernel driver is active, or device is claimed by second instance of librtlsdr.

  • Check Common Problems and Fixes for topics that resolve your problem.

If you still cannot discern the problem, contact Tech Support at

Install USB Driver (Mac)

The support package installer guides you through installing the drivers required for using the RTL-SDR device as a software-defined radio (SDR) receiver. The installer uses the files you downloaded during setup.

Insert RTL-SDR Radio into USB Port

  1. Insert the RTL-SDR radio into an available USB port on your computer.

  2. Click .

Test Radio Connection (Mac)

On this screen you can confirm communication with your RTL-SDR radio and get information about the connected radio.

If test connection fails and the page does not update to show radio information:

  • Try putting the RTL-SDR radio in a different USB port.

  • Make sure the radio works by trying it in a different computer.

  • Check Common Problems and Fixes for topics that resolve your problem.

If you still cannot discern the problem, contact Tech Support at

Sdr Manufacturer Driver Tool

Verify Hardware Setup

Sdr Manufacturer Driver Updater

This step helps you to verify that MATLAB can communicate with the RTL-SDR radio using the support package. If you get a successful status, it means that MATLAB can communicate with the radio and the radio is ready to be used.

  1. At the MATLAB command prompt, call the sdrsetup function.


    Each time you use the Communications Toolbox Support Package for RTL-SDR Radio with MATLAB, you must call sdrsetup. This function performs internal operations that enable you to use this support package cleanly every time.

  2. To get information for all radios connected to your computer, call the sdrinfo function:

    To get information on a specific radio, enter the function with this format:

    Address is the radio ID, for example:

    • If sdrinfo is successful, MATLAB returns a hardware information structure. For example:

    • If sdrinfo returns the message There was no response at address Address or it returns an empty cell array, then check for the following:

      • No radio connected

      • Radio ID not specified properly

      • USB driver not installed properly

  3. If the connection is successful, you can start designing your own radio interface.

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